Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Inverted Pyramid Style of Writing

The inverted pyramid is the structure used by journalists when news reporting. Stories using an inverted pyramid style of writing begins with the conclusion where a typical introduction would be placed. After the conclusion comes support information. Finally, the background information and details wrap up the article.

An example of a news article that uses the inverted pyramid style is "Warning Labels for Caffeinated Energy Drinks" in the health section of Sunday's issue of
The New York Times. The article starts by stating the major conclusion to the argument: Energy drinks should have warning labels. The article then begins to support this conclusion by stating several recent findings on the dangers of energy drinks. Then, the main argument is supported by facts and statistics that reinforce how energy drinks can be a harmful health risk for its consumers. These detailed findings include data collected from credible sources, such as doctors and health organizations. The article ends by listing several links for even more information and follow-up reading. To check out this article, go to http://tinyurl.com/47nfh7.

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